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VOW ASA: A breakthrough solution in the fight against climate change

December 9th, 2020

Sludge and organic waste can be converted into valuable products like biocarbon and bioenergy instead of being “wasted”. – We have been waiting for this for 25 years says Frederic Hauge in Bellona, that is now joining forces with Vow to solve one of the major environmental challenges.

Vow ASA´s pyrolysis technology converts sludge, organic waste, and other types of biomass into biocarbon and biogas. But are we able to get hold of enough of these resources to make an impact for climate change mitigation? This is the big question that Bellona and Vow ASA jointly will be finding the answer for.

- Pyrolysis solves numerous environmental challenges by converting waste to valuable resources. Vow has an industrialized technology solution that we have been waiting for the past 25 years, says the founder of Bellona Frederic Hauge

Vow, with its subsidiary Scanship, has for decades delivered technologies to process and purify wastewater, foodwaste and garbage on cruise ships far beyond regulatory requirements. In recent years, the company has developed a new pyrolysis technology that converts these waste streams into biocarbon and clean, CO2 neutral energy.

- Through years of technology development combined with last year acquisition of the French company ETIA, we now have a solution to turn biomass, sludge and other waste streams into valuable commodities and energy, helping multiple industries reduce emissions and meet their CO2 neutral targets, says the CEO of Vow ASA Henrik Badin.

Carbon sequestration with biocarbon will play an important role cutting world CO2 emissions by half within 2030, and to further reach negative emissions by the middle of the century. Converting sludge, organic waste, and other types of waste into biocarbon will make significant contribution to these targets.

- The technical solutions already exist. We have them. What we need is to get access to these vast streams of biomass and organic waste, to obtain political support to use it, and to develop efficient ways to roll-out technology in larger scale. We must make it all relevant in a bigger picture. With Bellona's broad knowledge and experience of industrial and political processes in climate matters, we believe that together we can solve this, Badin continues.

Biomass, sludge, and organic waste is most often untapped resources The access to sufficient biomass is one of the major unsolved challenges according to UN’s IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Thus, finding good solutions that exploits these waste streams into resources along with CO2 removal, are becoming key in the fight against climate change.

-Processes that can stabilize carbon from biological sources will be an important solution for the 2020s. With stable storage of biocarbon, we are also creating opportunities for negative emissions, says Hauge.

- We can obviously not cut down forests or use cropland to meet the need for biomass and bioenergy. We need to use the enormous waste streams being lost every year. One example is sludge from aquaculture fish farming industry. These waste streams entering our oceans represents untapped resources of valuable nutrients and energy. We need to utilize this, not only to recycle scarce resources as phosphorus but also to produce biocarbon and biogas to mitigate climate change, Hauge continues.

Sludge from wastewater and municipal sewage plants are often stabilized and reused as agricultural fertilizes. But with increasing concerns around environmental toxins, contamination of food chains, micro plastics and more, an increasing number of countries are restricting such use of sludge. As a result, sludge is instead being incinerated with high CO2 emissions. This serves no one according to Bellona.

Pyrolysis and biocarbon are part of the solution Biocarbon can play a central role in solving many of the environmental challenges going forward, Bellona believes. When biomass, sludge and organic waste are just incinerated, these valuable resources are destructed into ash. When instead, using a pyrolysis process, biocarbon and energy rich synthesis gas can be the basis for production of CO2 neutral energy, electricity, and even decarbonized energy such as hydrogen.

- The biocarbon can be redeployed into soil, not only as carbon sequestration removing carbon form the CO2 cycle but also as soil enrichment, increasing nutrient levels and humidity, fertilizing the soil for years to come, says Hauge.

Biocarbon could also play an important role in replacing fossil-based energy in industries, as an example, to replace large amounts of fossil coke and coal today used in the metallurgical industries. This is something Bellona has been focusing on for years, working closely with the Norwegian Ferroalloy Producers Research Association (FFF).

- We must reset our minds and handle the enormous waste streams that today cause large environmental damage. That is how we together can make a change, says Frederic Hauge in Bellona.

Contact persons: Henrik Badin CEO Vow ASA Mail: henrik.badin@vowasa.com Cell: +47 90 78 98 25

Christian Eriksen Head of Policy and Research Bellona Mail: chrise@bellona.no Cell: +47 98 48 83 98

Bellona in brief The Bellona Foundation is an international environmental NGO working on the major climate and environmental problems. Founded in 1986 as a direct action protest group, Bellona has become a recognised technology and solution-oriented organization with offices in Oslo, Brussels, UK, St. Petersburg and Murmansk, and representatives in USA and several EU Member States. Frederic Hauge, founder of Bellona, was named a TIME Magazine Hero of the Environment in the award’s inaugural year 2007. In addition to Hauge, some 60 engineers, ecologists, biologists, economists, lawyers, political scientists and journalists work at Bellona. Our websites are in Norwegian, English and Russian.

Read more about Bellona: https://bellona.org/about-bellona

About Vow ASA

In Vow and our subsidiaries Scanship and Etia we are passionate about preventing pollution. Our world leading solutions convert biomass and waste into valuable resources and generate clean CO2 neutral energy for a wide range of industries.

Cruise ships on every ocean have Vow technology inside which processes waste and purifies wastewater. Fish farmers are adopting similar solutions, and public utilities and industries use our solutions for sludge processing, waste management and biogas production on land.

Our ambitions go further than this. With our advanced technologies and solutions, we turn waste into biogenetic fuels to help decarbonize industry and convert plastic waste into fuel, clean energy and high-value pyro carbon.

Our solutions are scalable, standardized, patented and thoroughly documented, and our capability to deliver is well proven. They are key to end waste and stop pollution.

Located in Oslo, the parent company Vow ASA is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker VOW from 13 January 2020).

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


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+47 901 89 181

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